
Erasmus Policy Statement

Konya Food and Agriculture University (KFAU) is committed to promoting internationalization and fostering academic collaboration through the Erasmus+ program. We recognize the significance of international mobility for our students, staff, and faculty in enhancing their academic, professional, and personal growth. KFAU embraces the values of diversity, inclusivity, and excellence in education, research, and innovation.

Our Erasmus Policy Statement outlines the following objectives:

1-      Promotion of Mobility: KFAU aims to facilitate student and staff mobility, encouraging exchange opportunities for learning, teaching, training, and research within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

2-      Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education: We are committed to maintaining high-quality standards in education and research by engaging in international collaboration, sharing best practices, and fostering cross-cultural understanding.

3-      Development of Competencies: KFAU seeks to develop the competencies of students, staff, and faculty by providing them with opportunities to experience diverse academic and cultural environments, thus preparing them for global citizenship and professional success.

4-      Strengthening of International Partnerships: We aim to establish and strengthen partnerships with higher education institutions, research organizations, and industry partners across Europe, fostering mutual exchange and collaboration in education, research, and innovation.

5-      Promotion of Inclusivity and Diversity: KFAU is committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity by ensuring equal access to mobility opportunities for all students and staff, regardless of their background, nationality, or socio-economic status.

To achieve our objectives, KFAU will:

1-      Provide Support Services: We will offer comprehensive support services to facilitate the mobility process for students, staff, and faculty, including assistance with academic recognition, language support, accommodation, and cultural adaptation. KFAU will ensure that students participating in Erasmus mobility programs receive transparent and efficient procedures for the recognition of credits earned during their mobility period, in accordance with the principles of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

2-      Promote Awareness: We will actively promote Erasmus+ opportunities among our academic community through information sessions, workshops, and promotional materials, encouraging active participation in mobility programs. KFAU will emphasize the importance of academic recognition and encourage students to select courses at host institutions that align with their academic goals and program requirements.

3-      Foster Collaboration: KFAU will seek to establish and maintain bilateral agreements with partner institutions, defining the terms of cooperation and facilitating the exchange of students, staff, and faculty in accordance with the Erasmus+ program guidelines. KFAU will work closely with partner institutions to ensure that learning agreements are mutually agreed upon and that courses taken during the mobility period are recognized and integrated into students' academic programs upon their return.

4-      Ensure Quality Assurance: We will implement mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the quality and impact of mobility activities, seeking feedback from participants and stakeholders to continuously improve our programs and services. KFAU will monitor the academic progress of students during their mobility period and provide support to address any issues related to course recognition or academic integration upon their return.

5-      Comply with Erasmus+ Regulations: KFAU will adhere to the principles and regulations set forth by the Erasmus+ program, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability in the selection, management, and reporting of mobility activities. KFAU will comply with the requirements for academic recognition as outlined in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and will actively engage in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) to facilitate the recognition and transfer of credits earned during mobility periods.

KFAU is committed to promoting internationalization and fostering collaboration through the Erasmus+ program, enriching the academic experience of our students, staff, and faculty and contributing to the advancement of knowledge, innovation, and cultural understanding in the global community.

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