The project titled "Investigation of the Production of Photogelizable 3D Alginate Gels Using Unmodified Alginate Polymer in SLA Printing", presented to TÜBİTAK under the supervision of Dr. Sevil Çıkrıkcı Erünsal from our Food Engineering Department, by Sümeyye Narin, a student of the Bioengineering Department, is eligible to be supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Support Program for Research Projects. The aim of this study is to investigate new formulations for photogelization of alginate-based gel solutions using SLA-based printer and to carry out degradation studies of these gels to be produced in different geometric shapes in artificial biological fluid. Thus, it is aimed to enrich and analyze different three-dimensional shapes (such as wound dressing, artificial tissue and organ, or drug designs in personalized shapes) that are difficult to produce with traditional methods. We congratulate our student and his advisor and wish him continued success.