Our Capsule Convention Model Satellite team, which participated in the TÜRKSAT Model Satellite Competition held in TEKNOFEST 2022, succeeded in participating in the final stage as a result of satellite evaluations. Our Capsule Convention Model Satellite Team consists of our students from Computer Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering departments, Sefa Emre Başkaya, Taha Nebi Kumru, Muhammet Turan Polat and Betül Altunel. Our team carries out its designs with its own research and knowledge, and circuit designs and software are designed in accordance with the principle of nationality. The satellites participating in the competition will be lifted up to a distance of 700 meters and released into free fall. During this fall, the flight control systems will be activated and the satellite will enter a controlled landing process, while the satellite will collect data, establish data communication and record the transmitted information at the same time. Team Information Sefa Emre Başkaya (Team Leader): Konya Food and Agriculture University Electrical and Electronics Engineering student. His role in the team is related to mechanical and electronic communication systems. Talha Nebi Kumru (Team Member): Computer Engineering student at Konya Food and Agriculture University. His role in the team is on electronic communication and software. Muhammet Turan Polat (Team Member): Computer Engineering student at Konya Food and Agriculture University. His role in the team is related to mechanics and aerodynamics. Betül Altunel (Team Member): Computer Engineering student at Konya Food and Agriculture University. His role in the team is on software.