Our TUĞRUL-B model satellite team, which participated in the TEKNOFEST 2022 Model Satellite Competition organized under the leadership of TÜRKSAT, was successful with a score of 89.00 in the POR (Planning and Organization) stage and was accepted to the next stage (CDR, Critical Design) with a score of 93.87 in the PDR (Preliminary Design) stage. Computer Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering students Süleyman Kocamaz, Beyza Gizem Yıldırım and Beyza Nur Yılmaz take part in the team, where Assoc. Dr. H. Deniz Başdemir is the team advisor and Electrical-Electronics Engineering student Murat Şimşek is the team captain. The satellites participating in the competition will be launched to a certain altitude by rocket in order to represent the space/satellite systems on a small scale, and the launched satellites will land without damage with passive and active landing systems. Following these processes, side tasks such as data exchange and data recording will also be performed.