As the first specialized university in the field of food and agriculture in our country, Konya Food and Agriculture University organized the second Industry 4.0 R&D Summit, following the first summit held on November 6-7, 2019. The second summit took place on May 26-27, 2022, in our university's conference hall. During the two-day summit, a total of 8 sessions were held. The opening speech was delivered by the Vice Rector of Konya Food and Agriculture University, Prof. Dr. Durmuş Tayyar Şen. The opening session of the summit, which was well-attended by the audience, featured a presentation by Chemical Engineer Prof. Dr. İbrahim Adnan Saraçoğlu on "Climate Change and Breeding Studies in Seeds." The Industry 4.0 R&D Summit of this year was organized within the scope of the Erasmus+ project titled "Strengthening Technology Transfer Infrastructures and Innovation Infrastructures for Thematic Universities," in which our university served as the coordinator. Within the summit, the ongoing studies and research related to sustainable food and agriculture in Turkey, the problems encountered, and the proposed solutions were evaluated with the participation of representatives from ministries and relevant government institutions, financial support organizations in the food, agriculture, and livestock sectors, industry stakeholders, and academics. The summit aimed to share innovations, opportunities, and recommendations in this field with the public.