Our AKAY team, which was formed by 3rd grade students at our university, has successfully passed the Project Detail Report with a score of 85 out of 100 for TEKNOFEST 2023 in the category of "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" and earned the right to compete in the final event in Istanbul. With the artificial intelligence they are training, under the category of "BI-RADS Category and Breast Composition Estimation in Computer-Aided Scanning Mammograms," they aim to take an innovative and national step in the diagnosis of breast cancer. We congratulate and wish continued success to the members of the AKAY team, including Irem Nur Mermer, Edibe Feride Yamaç, Beyzanur Karaca, Kadriye Gündüz, and Aycan Nur Demirci, under the supervision of our university's academician, Hasan Basri Öksüz.